We want to ensure this education is accessible to all and have an exciting new attendance option. This year, we recorded the presentations live during the event on October 13, and are making them available for delivery right to your inbox with our Recordings Only Pass (in-person attendees will also receive a link to the recordings).
Ideal for employers, HR professionals, in-house counsel, and managers, this notoriously sold-out seminar provides the most up-to-date employment practices, legislative changes, and industry trends employers need to prepare for in the coming year. Join us to learn what to do now to be ready for changes in 2023.
Unable to attend in person?
The seminar is approved for 5.0 SHRM Professional Development Credits, 5.0 HR Certification Institute credit hours, and 5.0 CLE general credit hours in Washington and Oregon. The activity ID numbers will be available electronically via email after you watch the recordings.
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